In March 2021, I stepped back from active duty at disguise and stopped making shows. Since then, I’ve been catching up on life (traveling, buying a flat, learning electric guitar, doing a creative writing course, failing to learn Spanish, that sort of thing) and also doing a bunch of reading, daydreaming, and experimenting with code.
The goal was to start some kind of company by 2025, and to ‘upskill’ so I could be a proper leader and not make all those dumb mistakes I made last time.
I’m now entering the final year before that deadline, and feel just as confused, ignorant, unqualified and unprepared as I did at the start.
So I’ve decided to stop waiting till I’m ready, and just begin. I’m going to build this boat as I go over the waterfall.
My name is Ash; my nom de guerre is asnaroo; and I’m starting a new kind of computer company to make a new kind of computer. The computer I’ve been doodling in the back pages of my exercise books since I was ten years old.
And I’m going to do it in Silicon Valley. Because : why the fuck not?
Follow along here for my adventures as they happen, as well as the ideas that brought me to this point.