
My name is Ash; my nom de guerre is asnaroo; and I’m starting a new kind of computer company to make a new kind of computer. The computer I’ve been doodling in the back pages of my exercise books since I was ten years old.

And I’m going to do it in Palo Alto, London, Bangalore, and Tokyo. Because : why not?

Follow along here for my adventures as they happen, as well as the journey that brought me to this point.

There’s a sequence, by the way, so if you find yourself mystified, start at the very beginning, as it is, as the song goes, the very best place to start.

If you’re interested in the programming language I’m designing, read these:

If you’re interested in the operating system / computer I’m building, read these:

And if you’re interested in drones picking up plastic waste from the environment (the first driver project for the platform), check out

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building a new kind of computer


I called bullshit on the internet when it first came out and by golly I was right